Saturday, January 26, 2013

Money Lust

Our Money has dropped in value ever since the Federal Reserve was empowered to create money out of nothing.  If we don't have enough, we print more- this is called "inflation".  You're really not supposed to do that. I think almost everybody understands that by now, but just in case they don't, here is an article about the Federal Reserve in action that breaks it down fairly simply: FEDERAL RESERVE KEEPS PRINTING MONEY

It's pretty self explanatory that if the Federal Reserve keeps on printing money to cover cheques that the government writes but then can't cover, prices of everyday things rise.  That's why you used to be able to buy a whole cart of groceries for a dollar in 1900, but now that cart costs around $100.

There is obviously a need for money in an Ultra-Capitalism like the USA- money is the only thing that will save you from predators looking to take all your money or use you in some other way, or deny you lifesaving services if you don't have any.

But even worse is the Cult Of Money that has naturally arisen in such a situation.  Everyone likes to have nice things.  But most people in the USA have a low self esteem about their money.   We have been lead to believe that unless we can constantly buy new items we are substandard.  We also have been duped into being slaves to the "credit system" which scores us on a 0-800 scale to tell us "how much we are worth taking a risk on", and punishes us for a lower score by charging what?  MORE MONEY- to the poorest people who were unable to keep up their score, and giving breaks to the rich who are easily able to keep a high score.  Make Sense? We are forced to make payments like clockwork to make sure we are good little consumers who can be counted on to bring in a steady income for our creditor overlords.  Any deviation is punished by a lower score unless you call various companies and ass-kiss like mad, begging and demeaning yourself to get "extra time to pay".  Sound familiar?  The Credit Score will then be used to either accept or deny a human being for all kinds of things like getting accepted into livable apartments in safer neighborhoods, getting loans for cars, houses and other property, and even relationships- yes, there are those people who consider a credit score part of the package.

The truth is that USA citizens have been made to feel substandard if they don't have a high credit score, high credit limits and constant items being bought each week.  They are lead to believe that they need a status symbol car, a large innefficient house to put all their stuff in, and that they need to work the hours necessary to have all these things or else they are not a worthwhile human being.   That if they don't have these things they are letting everyone down, not living up to their potential and so forth.

Anybody who actually believes this should know several things.  The first thing is that most people in the USA are considered BELOW THE POVERTY LINE or LOWER MIDDLE CLASS.

1) In 2011, 46.2 MILLION people in the USA were considered "below the poverty line".  Out of our 315 Million people, this is one in every six people.

3) Lower Middle Class was considered $32,000-$60,000.  So you are still LOWER Middle Class if you earn $60,000??? Depending on where you live, $60,000 could be enough to feed and care for your family, or that could be a modest income like here in NYC.

4) 34% of us are considered Lower Middle Class, at 119 Million people.  One out of every three people.

5) Upper Middle Class is if you make $62,000 and up.

6) The Upper Class is only 15% of the USA.

7) Only 15.5% of people have credit scores in the 700-749 range, and only 18.3 had 800 or better.  (So what happens to the REST of the people, those below 700?  Do they all just live in bad neighborhoods?  Do they pay exorbitant rates for credit, car loans, etc?  What are ALL those other people doing to survive since they are effectively cut out of most of the benefits of living in the USA?) This article tries to put a "happy face" on these statistics but falls flat.

If you still watch TV, you will be left with the feeling that MOST people in the USA have money to spend on extras.  That's simply not true.  Lots of people get by on very little, especially if they want to save money.  People from poorer countries tend to save a lot of money in the bank, while USA citizens tend to spend money on anything and everything to keep up with the status quo that they feel they should be emulating.

Spending less money will not make you look worse.  It will not make people like you less (if you have REAL friends that is).  Chances are that the person sitting right next to you, whom you think looks so glamorous, has financed their look that day for a minimum and had hookups to buy all the stuff he or she is wearing on discount.

USA Citizens are in a financial crisis from which saving money is the only solution.  We also deserve to be able to live our lives and spend time developing as a person with family, friends, hobbies and interests and do not deserve to spend 80 hours a week working.  We obviously are going to have to downsize the amount we are spending- on rent, on utilities, on everything.  And as far as keeping up with the status quo?  The status quo IS NOT what the media is putting out there.  Most of us are struggling.

Money Lust- why this is a Scam:

You will spend your life chasing after trinkets and toys and never develop as a person or form strong relationships with family members, friends or anyone else.  You will drive yourself to exhaustion and possibly die early of stress related diseases.  And you will not have the energy to affect your community, laws, government, etc because you're struggling to make payments on a nice car, a huge house or a boat.  Or something.  Meanwhile, those who are on the receiving end of your payments WILL NOT be knocking themselves out- they will be living easy lives and controlling the game.


Set a cap on the amount of hours you are willing to work at ANY job, no matter what happens.  Make friendships, family and personal development your highest goal, NOT money.  Make rules that if you are sick or feeling terrible you WILL NOT work that day, you will take care of yourself- no matter what.  Downsize the amount you are spending per month, even if others in your life think you SHOULD be spending money on those things.  Save, save, save.  Look into the TINY HOUSE MOVEMENT , Solar Energy for your home (solar systems are cheaper than ever now), going OFF THE GRID, and other ways to stop spending so much money each month.  It CAN be done.  Everything you buy do not buy on credit, pay cash- you will save hundreds of thousands by doing this.  You can put off buying whatever it is until you have saved the cash to pay for it.  It's the instant gratification that creditors are selling, and being paid top dollar for, depleting your life in the process.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Children Of The Corn - High Fructose Corn Syrup

                                                             USA Poison Corn Fields

This week I watched a video called Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Robert A. Lustig, a biochemist.  In it, he described one of the greatest health calamities Americans face- High Fructose Corn Syrup as a sweetener.  It turns out that High Fructose Corn Syrup is a cheap sweetener, cheaper than regular sugar, made from corn.  Unfortunately, it blocks the production of Leptin, a substance in the body that tells you that you are done eating and lets you feel full.  In additon, it blocks another substance in the body that allows you to regulate high blood pressure, causing blood pressure to rise.  It causes a bad reaction in arteries due to it's "browning" ability(it browns the insides of arteries just like it browns steak on the grill, doctors have seen the color change during operations), weakening them, which combined with high blood pressure and the obesity caused by leptin suppression and poor regulation of HFCS in the liver, is deadly.  It's processed in the liver differently than regular sugar, it's treated more like a fat and causes your body to store it as fat.  In short, HFCS is a poison.  It is much sweeter than regular sugar so that it bombards your pancreas like nothing ever used before, making it the crack of sugars.  Now companies have even started using Crystalline High Fructose Corn Syrup which is even sweeter than regular HFCS.  Crystal...hmmmm.  This has the effect on you body of doing shot after shot of alcohol, without the buzz since HFCS is not metabolized in the brain.

Corn is notoriously hard to digest, is an allergen for some people, and most people of European or Scandinavian heritage have metabolisms that are used to Wheat, Barley or Rye, not corn.  Columbus discovered corn along with the American continent. History of Corn

So here is Dr. Lustig's video where he breaks down the chemistry of exactly WHAT HFCS is doing to us, and WHY.  It's a 90 minute video so watch it when you have time to do so, and stick with it, it's well worth stretching to try to understand what he is saying.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is very available because it is one of the products that is produced from Corn.  Corn is the largest crop in the USA and is "subsidized" by the Govt. each year by millions of dollars- according to one article, the govt. had paid $56 BILLION in Corn Subsidies between 1995 and 2006.  Why?  Because when the price of corn is down, certain companies(hmm, I wonder who the shareholders are?) save A LOT of money buying corn for various uses.  Chicken, pork and beef producers (yes, those same people with the huge and horrible antibiotic and growth hormone ridden slaughterhouses of which you've seen terrible photos on the internet), and of course producers of High Fructose Corn Syrup and Ethanol.  Cheap toxic meat and sweetener, and ethanol, a crappy low mileage fuel that unbeknown to most drivers, is mixed with gas that you buy from gas stations.  This is often why you get lower gas mileage than expected, due to the corn ethanol in the mix.  This was supposed to reduce gas prices but it really hasn't.

The cheap US corn undercuts other countries' markets and makes it so that farmers in Mexico and other places really can't really make money with this crop, worsening their conditions considerably.

Why This Is A Scam:

To make things cheaper for certain companies, corn gets subsidies from the US Government every year(millions of dollars). *Who voted on THAT?*  This makes Corn Syrup much cheaper than any other sweetener.  It is also easier to handle and transport, so combined with the low price, it makes it more attractive for companies to use.

In addition, it's addictive properties of slamming sugar right to the bloodstream and not letting the person know when they've had enough cause them to consume more product and come back for more, more frequently.  Sneaky companies add corn syrup in order to purposefully addict "consumers" to their branded flavor.  We found HFCS in products where you would never think there was any added sweetener- condiments, pasta meals, bread, salad dressing, supposedly "healthy" snacks like Granola Bars and "low fat" cakes and cookies (if it tastes like crap after the fat has been removed, they add more sweetener....)  The fact that people would eat "health" products thinking they were being healthy and losing weight, only to have their livers, pancreases and other organs bombarded by High Fructose Corn Syrup's ill effects should be criminal.  The "cooler" the label, the higher HFCS was on the label.  Stuff like "Jack Daniels" brand BBQ sauce and other brand names.  They want you to eat it all up and come back for more, and there's hardly any better way to accomplish this than to add a product that is known to cause this.  Nobody cares when you have a heart attack at 45- as a matter of fact, this is GOOD for the USA- it will churn your insurance if you have any, and create jobs for others.  And they don't need us living to be 100, right?  What if everybody did that- how would they pay everybody's Social Security and Pension and still rake in billions?  SOMEBODY has to die, RIGHT?

Make sure that "somebody" is not YOU.


1) Recognize that you have been messed with.  It's not normal to consume 156 POUNDS OF SUGAR PER YEAR like the average USA "consumer" (I really loathe that word but it suits the purpose here). Sugar is being added to EVERYTHING- in order to ADDICT YOU.  Recognize this- that the Food And Drug Administration did nothing to place a cap on the amount of sugar companies are allowed to put in any food, and do not care if your organs wear out at 45 or if you have a heart attack or become a diabetic or obese.  That they act as the gatekeepers to money (YOUR money) and do not in actuality give a damn about your or anybody else's true health.  This is one of those "anchors" that you must sacrifice in order to free yourself from being a "consumer" and turning into an active, healthy CITIZEN and HUMAN BEING, that I spoke about in the first blog.

2) Find and Recognize the Sources of High Fructose Corn Syrup.  Anything Government Subsidized will be the cheapest possible which means HFCS will be the sweetener- that means cheap grocery stores in bad neighborhoods which are Government Subsidized(those weird brands that you never see anywhere outside Govt. subsidized stores and dollar stores).  WIC programs for mothers with kids are notorious for only allowing the cheapest products and therefore tons of HFCS sweetened products as opposed to natural products- READ YOUR LABLES and try to find the products that don't have HFCS if you are in this situation right now.   HFCS has even been found in BABY FORMULA- do NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES give HFCS to a baby, infant or toddler.  There is an epidemic of obesity in babies toddlers right now due to HFCS, this could cause lifelong health problems for your child.  READ ALL LABLES and you will quickly see how pervasive HFCS has become.  If you see it on the lable, AVOID- in addition, watch out for the other names for it like CORN SYRUP SOLIDS, FRUCTOSE/GLUCOSE, and anything else that sound suspicious.  Better safe than sorry.

3) In order to promote the best health of both mind and body, try to AVOID LABLES ENTIRELY.  If someone could put a patent on a flavor, it means they have a motivation to try to addict you to that flavor- and here in SCAmerica, nobody is going to stop them since this is the Land of Constant Scams.  Choose things that people could never possibly patent, Vegetables and Fruits, Whole Grains and Lean Cuts of Meat and Fish.  I realize this is a tall order when money is tight, but it is much cheaper than some people realize.  Learn how to make your own condiments like Spaghetti Sauce (it is a lot easier than you think, buy cans of tomato sauce and add the spices, onions, garlic, etc yourself, it's not that hard and it's much cheaper than buying it), salad dressing, etc- use the internet to look up recipes.  We have the technology, we can do this!  Stop your sugar addictions, give your organs and brain a break and increase your ability to concentrate and your lifespan!

Other articles of interest:




On another note, I watched Children of the Corn again, originally written by Steven King.  It came out in 1984.  At first I was just having some fun watching an old 80s horror flick, but I started to quickly realize that there are some paralells between what I wrote in this blog and what the movie was showing.  SOME people, apparantly, knew about the disaster that was being created by this new "cult of corn" and were making very clear statements about it.  Mr. King, care to comment?:)

1) The premise is a very old and ancient Corn Demon that kills you before you can get old- teens are sacrificed to it on their 19th birthday.  It has been here since before the settlers.  Kills you before you can get old?  SOUNDS LIKE CORN TO ME!

2) The demon has possessed a child who was taught to be a preacher and appointed him to be his priest and way to communicate with the people of the town.  A connection with religion?  Everybody knows that towns in the Midwest where corn is grown are overly religious to the point of being oppressive.  Could Steven King have been making a statement about how religious leaders are pushing corn production on these towns, using religion to do it? (possibly for favours, kickbacks, etc?)

3) There is a clear reference to Ethanol in one part, where one of the children has killed the gas station attendant that they were allowing to live because he provided needed gas for the town.  He said "we don't need him any more, we have our own fuel "from the corn!" when Isac, the demon posessed kid, says "you know it is not enough."  That was a statement about how corn production was pushed as a possible fuel source through Ethanol, but as we all know, Ethanol is not enough to truly be a fuel source.

4) Sacrificing adults to the ancient demon in corn?  What is Stephen King trying to say with this?  This message hinted to me, as I pondered EVERYTHING I had struggled to understand as a member of the "counterculture" over the years, of a diabolical system set up by corporations and government that sucks the best working years out of it's members and kills them off before they can become wise enough to figure out a way out of it, and also makes it so that they don't benefit from their work by living out their Golden Years in comfort- they die early, and someone else gets to absorb the profit of the work of their lives(let me guess- corporations and govt which now don't have to pay a pension, medical bills, etc)

5) the way the Demon was eventually conquered in this movie was to burn the cornfields with gasoline.  So the message was clear- use gas and not corn(ethanol), that corn is a threat, a danger and part of a vicious and evil scheme to drain people's lives and well being.  It could be possible that the basic premise of this movie was to protest massive corn production as a supposed fuel source.  But it said so much more.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


What has this:

To do with THIS? :

In the USA, the answer is MONEY.

The USA has been sold on Football making money for colleges, therefore doesn't even question exposing vulnerable female students to violent, ignorant jocks who by all rights would never even have been accepted to the school if they weren't being used as "cash cows".

In this scam, "student-athletes" who are not even paid due to their "student" status are given scholarships to Universities in exchange for playing football.  The University and it's staff pockets the money they generate.  Coaches in high schools groom and scout players who are allowed to take tests seperately from the rest of the students, allowed to cheat, scored differently, etc because they are "cash cows" for the school.  They learn little of nothing in high schools, little of nothing in colleges, yet emerge with a degree and an NFL career.  The are allowed to commit crimes with impunity, especially crimes against women.

In Ancient Greece, it was considered reprehensible to take money to teach, first of all.  But since we are in an Ultra Capitalism, the allmighty Dollar makes decisions for us unfortunately.  College students are vulnerable and date rapes and out and out rapes like the one in Steubenville happen every single year due to the ultra macho sports culture being harbored by schools as a way to bring in cash.  Don't fall victim to this!


Try to choose a school where sports are not the main way the school secures funding.  Scrutinize State schools especially who need the funds from Football.

If you're stuck going to one of these schools, avoid the areas where athletes congregate, avoid their parties, and even avoid making friends with their girlfriends- the Steubenville Rape Victim was lured to one of their parties by a GIRL who was the girlfriend of one of the players, and was subsequently knocked out by a roofie in her drink and then gang raped at several different parties before being dumped on her parent's lawn.  The girlfriend knew about this and did nothing, and was the catalyst of the situation.  However, she has not been charged with a crime because of the corruption that protects these athletes.  Avoid all of them, male and female, like the plague if you must go to a school with them there.

Just in case you thought I was the only one saying this, FORBES has already written several articles about how Football is corrupting Universities and should be removed. FORBES ARTICLE

Football itself is a ridiculous display of gender role stereotyping, is antiquated, and should be ignored and boycotted by any reasonable, thinking individual.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Rape Culture, the ultimate Scam- on a Human Life

Recently, ROSEANNE BAR partnered with TRACI LORDS to produce a radio talk show dedicated to the factors that cause rapes like the one in Steubenville, Ohio (Stupidville) that happened this past August.  Traci Lords is from Steubenville and she was raped there at age 10, and subsequently molested by her mother's boyfriend as a tween and early teen, which lead to her porn career at age 15-16.  Her mother spent her life in Steubenville, and she was also raped.

I was going to add this video to my blog about this rape, however it contained so much good content that I felt it deserved an entry and title of it's own.  It's about how these roles of victim, abuser, aider-and-abetter, etc, are programmed into us in emotionally and physically violent ways starting at an early age, leading to stunted, painful and abbreviated lives.  Girls- victims, shamed, a caste of second class citizens who don't count and who's status and safety is dependent upon a man.  Women- same as girls, victims and enablers- collude in helping men abuse or take the victim's place.  Men- abusers, advantage takers who are not allowed to care about their victims or else they will risk their "manly" status- the only thing important is the other guys or their status in the group.  Boys- must prove to these abusers who are grooming them that they are tough and manly, they have no sympathy and are able to take advantage of victims, make fun of their pain, etc.

This programming stays with people for life and when crimes are committed as a result of this programming, they are colluded with and covered up by the whole group- Girls- don't report crimes, don't name their abusers, try to keep it covered up to avoid shame Women- act as accessories to the crimes to please men, ignore the crimes and "don't believe it" when it is brought to their attention, try to shield the abusers from the repercussions of their crimes, etc  Men- deny that it happened, minimize the situation and obfuscate, organize cronies to cover up their crime, etc.  Boys- act as tools to commit crimes directed by "leaders", try hard to please these men by being callous to the pain they cause and joking about it, etc, prove their "status" in the "advantage taking group or gang", it's all about other men when they do this, a homoerotic subtext.

The lives lived as a result of this programming are hardly worth living- Girls- repeatedly put themselves in a position where they will be victimized and taken advantage of, don't prosecute the abusers, feel a sense of shame and low self worth, may attempt to harm self, etc.  Women- same as Girls, in addition don't live up to their potential as a human being, low self worth, incapable of breaking away from abusers, expose their children to harm and then must live with the fact that they've done that, etc.  Men- not allowed to have feelings, must be tough and strong or sacrifice status as a "Man", must be in control all the time, not allowed to communicate or show humanity other than to give orders, etc.  Boys- not allowed to care, self esteem dependent on the approval of the group of Men and Boys all the time, being excluded from group of Men and Boys is like worst nightmare, will hurt, abandon and shame a victim rather than risk their status in the group.

Who benefits from this scam? MEN WHO PARTICIPATE IN IT, who form a group of cronies and seize ALL the power, money, opportunity, etc in the area, after having systematically beaten down and controlled everybody else through shame, humiliation, violence, abuse, cronyism, strict enforcement of gender and other roles,  etc.  If they can they will take over all the posts of authority in the place.

These scenarios happen all over, but tend to fester in small towns like Stupidville where it is easy for Rapist Culture to take hold.  GENERATIONS of rapists- are we ready to break the cycle?  Listen to this video, it is great.


If you feel yourself to be trapped in a circle of this kind of thinking and actions, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.  This could be literally buying a ticket and being gone the next day, or just choosing to cut off everyone you talk to.  It's a situation of dire emergency, you could be attacked, killed, raped, or forced or manipulated to do this to someone else.  DO NOT RAISE YOUR CHILDREN IN THIS, even if you have to get a messy divorce, etc.  If everybody leaves except the rapists, they will be left to sit around and abuse each other(which will quickly happen because they will easily sacrifice one of their group to have another victim) - their system only works if there are victims to abuse.  DO NOT be fodder for this.  If you feel AT ALL that you are not being listened to and are being treated as a second class citizen, GET OUT.  You and your children's lives depend on it, as well as those of other people.  No job, no amount of money, no marriage, NOTHING IS WORTH THIS.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Douchebag Jocks Rape Yet Another Girl

In a scenario that has repeated itself again and again in the United States of SCAmerica, football jocks who have been coddled by the entire town of Stueubenville, Ohio (Stupidville) desperate for football dollars almost got away with raping yet another young girl.  This fits into this website because USUALLY they either get away with it or get a slap on the wrist- a scam that the entire town colludes in.  The ONLY reason why that's not happening in this case is because vigilante hacker group ANNONYMOUS decided to hack the douches computers in search of more evidence, and found one of them laughing and joking about the rape on video, describing it in detail, etc. as only a brain
dead football jock could be capable of doing.  Normally the douche in question would have gotten away with the rape since his mother is the main Prosecuting Attorney for the town.  Any attempts at prosecution had been deflected thus far by the horrid mother, who was in the process of spawning someone as amoral as herself- apparently her son's propensity for rape didn't cause her to bat an eyelash.  That must have been a great home to grow up in, but it's no excuse for his behavior.

You can read more about that sordid case here.


Examine the town you are going to move to very carefully.  Is it organized around football dollars?  Find out.  Do you have a young daughter who will grow up around the meathead jocks that they are spawning?  Do you have a son who is intellectual and not interested in sports in the least?  THINK about what it will do to your children to live in an environment like this one.  Make another choice of town if possible.  DON'T SET YOUR KIDS UP TO LIVE IN A POISONOUS ENVIRONMENT LIKE STUPIDVILLE.

 Not only that, warn your kids that it IS NOT SAFE TO HANG OUT WITH THE SON OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, unless you know them personally and can vouch for their moral character.  No matter what happens, that kid will NOT get in trouble no matter what they do and YOURS WILL.  Well, unless ANNONYMOUS gets involved, which luckily for the victim happened in this case, in time to affect her trial.  Will YOUR son or daughter be so lucky as to attract top of the line hackers to assist them?  Do you want to take that chance?  Analyze your town, follow the money trails and then make a decision as to wether you want your kids to grow up there.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Georgia Senator who Took On CPS Corruption Found Dead

Nancy Schaefer, the outspoken Georgia Senator who went against CPS and exposed their corruption, was found shot to death alongside her husband in their home in 2010 after speaking out against the horrific corruption in CPS.  Her death was baselessly labeled as a murder-suicide.  Yeah, right.

We think these things happen in underdeveloped and 3rd World Countries.  Think again.  It happens in our own back yards.

Is the CPS scam THAT LUCRATIVE, that someone would be willing to kill to keep it going?  Or, is there some other reason that a continuous supply of children could be wanted by the State- are there pedophiles in high places?  WHY ARE THEY TAKING THESE CHILDREN?  And who is benefitting from it?  Could they be benefitting in other ways such as child prostitution businesses, which is one of the fastest growing businesses in the USA?  All things must be considered no matter how upsetting.  The wave of children being taken for little or no good reason seems to coincide with the economy worsening, and that to me is very suspicious.

Normally on this blog, for every situation I post, I will post a way to "cut and run" from the situation.  This is the one situation there really is no remedy for- and it happened to be the first one I posted.  There is no way to avoid an assassin hired by someone who has it out for you because you are exposing them and about to cut off their money supply and possibly land them in prison.  UNLESS you employ body guards fulltime and live in a constantly surveilled compound- then you might have a chance.  I guess the lesson is that even if you are a Senator- Hell, even if you are President of the United States of America- don't assume there won't be someone gunning for you if you are exposing them.  Make sure that it would be really expensive for them to do this to you, like writing in a safe place every day about who you think might try to kill you and why, and tell all your friends and post about it online.  Make sure you are part of a daily network of people who know your story and follow it closely.  Not like this Senator wasn't, but perhaps she didn't understand her danger enough.  Make sure that you do.  The people who do these things are ruthless- if they would hurt women, children, families etc this much, do you think they care about YOU?  Hell No.  So just make it as inconvienient as possible to take you down, on a daily basis, and make that woven into the fabric of how you live your life.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

SCAMerica Short List

When deciding the next issue of Cut And Run, thought had to be directed toward what was most influential in people's lives.  Should the blog be organized in the order of issues that could affect us from birth to death?  Or should it be order of severity, or importance?

I have decided to put the most dire situations first in order to protect citizens the fastest.  All the situations are dire, but certain situations can involve death or abuse of those involved, and for this reason they will be the first chapters in Cut and Run.  Each of these topics will be dealt with in depth in future installment, with links to YouTube and other video testimony.

1) Criminal Court- The War On Drugs- the industry that is created from criminalizing citizens and in the process creates a "criminal class" to be used as a commodity by prisons, third party businesses which use prisoners as workers, a whole industry of parole and probation officers, drug testing companies, halfway houses, drug programs, etc.  Judges receive kickbacks for placing people and children in third party businesses like "drug programs" or "private juvenile facilities" - follow the trail of "no tolerance judges" or "hanging judges"  to see what is happening in these cases, they are usually the ones getting kickbacks for providing numbers.  Juveniles and Teens are especially preyed upon.

2) Family Court- divorces that use children as bait to drain the family's resources in to the pockets of attorneys, judges and "court appointed forensics".  The cases don't resolve for 10-20 years and cost up to $500,000 in fees.   Conflict is created by lawyers and the case is chuned for years.  Forensics with fake diplomas are used, and only a certain circle of cronies ever gets appointed to the court.  Or, judges receive kickbacks from wealthy fathers to get custody of children so that they don't have to pay child support to the mother which is more expensive than having the child live with you.  Even more sinister are the cases where the child is being sexually abused- the mother reports it and loses custody of the child due to an experimental  government "Father Incentive" program.  She is said to be "alienating the child" from his or her father.  The abuser gains custody and continues sexually abusing the child.

3) Probate Court-  your aging relative is appointed a "guardian ad litem" crony of the judge, and this crony as the conservator has access to your relative's money and you don't.  He or she spends your relative's money on themselves and their friends and gives a healthy kickback to the judge who made this possible.  Meanwhile your relative is neglected/mistreated and you are denied access to them until their money is gone.

4) Psychology- you are never cured, your issues are never resolved and you are made dependent on expensive appointments and/or drugs with terrible side effects.  You continue this for life.

5) CPS- your children are taken for profit under some pretense or exaggeration and then "sold" to wealthy people who would like to adopt them.  Mothers of very "adoptable" children(attractive, etc) would be well advised never to come under CPS's radar, which will begin to "intercept" children being born and take them from you in the hospital shortly after birth.  

6) Banks- your property is almost paid off.  The bank claims you missed payments and forecloses.  It could be  real estate, a vehicle, etc.  Or the bank charges usuriously high interest rates for low credit score individuals.

7) Mortgage Brokers- you are talked into taking out a huge mortgage or refinancing your mortgage and taking equity out of it.  The Broker receives a huge commission each time you do something.  *The govt. has now placed a $1500 cap on ANY commission received for such work*

8) Stock Brokers- your money is traded and traded with the broker receiving a commission each time something is traded, till all your money is gone.

9) Doctors and Hospitals- you don't have insurance but have an emergency.  Suddenly you owe thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills.  Your credit is ruined.  *From what I understand, Obamacare has now put in place a Pre-Existing Condition Insurance that can help some of these cases, but people who had problems before this happened and had run up huge hospital bills are still responsible for paying them back.*  A lot of these bills are eventually quietly written off, a little known fact in the USA.  This pretty much proves that they were overly inflated in the first place.

10) Landlords- landlords are allowed to raise the rent faster if tenants move out.  Your landlord really doesn't want you to stay more than a year.  You are OK for the first year in your apartment, then you start being treated poorly by your landlord.  Things in your building and apartment are not fixed, heat and hot water are cut down to an intolerable level.  Lawyers are paid to find loopholes where they are allowed to raise your rent randomly.  You leave, and pay thousands in moving expenses.  Then the cycle begins again.  There is no stability in your life and it's hard to save money as you move every couple of years, the only way to keep the apt is to be a better litigator than your landlord.  Only lawyers win in this situation.  Apartments are churned year after year until the housing market is as high priced as it can stand to be with everyone straining to make rent each month.

11) Every month, your money is gone toward bills.  No matter how cheaply you try to live, you can't reduce your bills enough to save.  Companies have done exhaustive research on people in your age category, financial background, ethnicity, etc, crunched the numbers down and already worked out a plan to take all your money.  It's not an accident that when one bill goes down, another goes up.  To really save, you have to do something extreme like live for free with parents or friends or out of your car, figure out a life plan that is so cheap that it prices you out of your category and you have a surplus, dumpster dive, figure out how to work coupons to an extreme, learn to live off the land, etc.  If nobody clues you in fast enough you won't save money.

12) Mental Health facilities that insist you need more treatment until your insurance runs out, then you are "miraculously cured" and released immediately.  Or abusive Scared Straight programs or Drug programs that keep children until they can no longer be under their parent's or the Sate's health insurance.

13) Mail Order Brides- a Legal form of Human Trafficking.  A deficient male American Citizen who cannot form normal relationships meets a foreign woman online or in person.  He agrees to marry her, which she does in order to escape an impoverished situation in her home country.   He then proceeds to abuse her and any children she already has or gives birth to within the marriage, but she is not free to leave him or else she will be sent back home and possibly lose her children to the abuser.  She is abused for as long as it takes her to gain legal status, and so are her children.  Nobody wants to help her because they judge her for taking part in the Phony Marriage.  

*The list goes on!  If anyone would like to clue me into another scam or form of corruption, please email me at .*

Often these vulture-like entities are like Vampires- the best way to deal with them is not to invite them in in the first place. To "stay off their radar".   Those who fall into their trap are often the young and innocent, inexperienced or foreign people who believed that public officials can and would help them in the USA.

Many people in the USA can describe this feeling…the feeling that "something sinister" is lurking just outside the field of your vision, and you just can't bring yourself to get married and have a child….or buy a house…or invest…that you should just "live for today" because "it could all be taken away tomorrow".   Well the word is out now.  People are connecting the dots and beginning to make a safe place for themselves and their families.  Help has arrived, but every Citizen of the USA has to be part of the new influx of knowledge that will stop the advantage taking and invite in true safety and prosperity.

Data from Community organizations are a way to see where the "hotspots" of fraud activity is happening and choose a safer area.  It's a good idea to join or form a Community Organization in your area so that you can hear about the new scams that are coming out and the scams and corruption that are specific to your area.

                                             Be smart and don't invite scams and corruption in!  Stay off their radar!

What does CUT AND RUN really mean?

What does the phrase "Cut And Run" actually mean? It came under a later meaning of a cowardly retreat, but in actuality "Cutting and Running" refers to when a ship is at anchor and is suddenly attacked, instead of wasting valuable time hoisting the anchor, they will instead cut the rope attaching the ship to the anchor and begin moving into a defensive position immediately, sacrificing the anchor to save time.

Americans, having been practically bled dry by predatory government tax, medical, legal and other calamities, are not in the position where they can waste any time or harbour any illusions in beginning to preserve their fortunes.  Sadly, we must "sacrifice our anchors" too- the  anchor, in this case, being the trust in authority and our fellow citizens who are in positions of authority such as lawyers, doctors, politicians, etc.  The time to start is right away.  What are YOU spending money on?  What are you being convinced is more important than your financial security, which is the one and only safety net you can count on in a Capitalist Society?  Rather than your Anchor being your ties to the community, unfortunately we must re-orient ourselves to understand the TRUE source of security in a Capitalist Society- Money.  And more importantly, how to preserve it.

Most Americans have been taught that wasting money and surviving on credit is an OK way to live their lives.  The average Asian or Indian family who immigrates to the USA has at least $100,000 in the bank, but the average American family is in debt.  That's because they are still operating under the illusion that there is a safety net here, whereas the foreign family is not.  It's a very different attitude that Americans, unfortunately, must adopt now if they are to pull ahead.

What are YOU spending money on that you could be saving?